We all should just enjoy parenting more… Now, I know that this is easier said than done, especially since we parents are under constant stress, deadlines, and potential consequences if we fail. The pressure many of us parents are under would break most ordinary people. However, we are not ordinary people. We are parents! We may bend, but we don’t break, right? Not only don’t we break, but beginning right now we are going to start to enjoy parenting more, no matter what other people have to say.
We have all heard how stress kills, right? I think that we can all agree that it’s unhealthy always to be stressed. It might even be harmful to our kids. Believe it, or not our kids can read our body language. Hence, subconsciously, our children’s mirror neuron system constantly activates, and they unknowingly mirror or reflect back our emotional state in their emotional state. So, if we’re stressed, they are probably going to be stressed, too. When we are relaxed, so are they…
A strategy to a life of less stress is to choose to live in the precious present consciously. Choose to be present in each moment. Choose to enjoy each moment for what it is because we’ll never get that exact moment back again. Life is made up of a bunch of tiny precious moments that flow in and out of our lives. We have the capacity to focus on each moment and find something to enjoy about it. These precious moments will eventually all add up to form a pretty good life as a parent if we let it. But, first, we need to turn down the volume on stress and worry and turn up the volume on gratefulness and appreciation within each moment of our lives.
Now, as my Granddaddy always said, “Go learn, lead, and lay the way to a better world for all of us.” We can, and should, enjoy parenting more. So, just decide to do it! And once again, thanks in advance parents for all that you do, and all that you will do…