
Benefits Of Transcendental Meditation On Nurses

Nursing as a career is one of the best ones out in the world. The nurses are professionals who offer medical care to patients to aid them to recover from any ailment. They are usually with the patients throughout their whole recovery journey. They also work hand in hand with doctors to ensure that the patients get the appropriate medication. Nurses are very crucial in the medical field. Patients tend to interact more with nurses than with doctors. Being a nurse, however, can take a toll on someone. When one gets into nursing, they are normally enthusiastic about offering the best care to their patients. This, however, changes as time goes by. This is due to the fact that nurses experience burn out. Burnout is one of the worst things any professional can experience. It drains the nurse completely. When one enters into the burnout stage, they are not motivated to work. This leads to poor quality services. The ones who suffer most due to this are the patients that will be handled by the nurse. Burnout compromises of Compassion fatigue, mental stress, and even physical stress. None of this is good for the body. If not taken care of a nurse may never recover from this. It is statistically stated that about 40% of nurses in medical institutions suffer from burnout. There are a lot of ways to handle burnout. One of the best ways a nurse can deal with burnout is through transcendental meditation. It is also referred to as TM. It is a form of self-improvement technique. This technique gives your mind a chance to open up inwards, which leads to self-awareness. It is a meditation method that works wonders on its users. Nurses specifically will enjoy it. Here are the benefits of transcendental meditation.
It helps improve sleep patterns. Quality sleep is very important for the body. This is when the body gets to recover and prepare for the next day. When one has burnout, they may not be able to sleep well. This meditation technique allows your body to calm down. This, therefore, leads to better sleep.

TM is also good for stress and anxiety reduction. Stress is known to impact the body negatively. It can lead to illnesses as well and reduce the quality of life of the individual. One good way of handling stress is through TM. Your mind is able to be calm. Through self-awareness that is brought about through TM, you are able to overcome any stressing situation.

TM also improves the mental health of nurses. With reduced stress and anxiety, your mental health as a nurse is bound to improve. One of the major characteristics of TM is that it leads to self-awareness. Through this, you are able to know which state your mind is in. You, therefore, can be in control of it.

Tm is good for lowering blood pressure. Blood pressure can seriously spike due to stressful situations. Being a nurse can be very stressful at times. Through TM, you can regulate the stress levels and thus lower your blood pressure.

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